June 18, 2008

Now write that on the blackboard 250 times....

"Michael McDonough, 17, said he learned his lesson after the July 2007 plot that prosecutors said was masterminded by a younger boy. Authorities said the plot was timed to mark the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre.

Police have said the teen also tried to purchase weapons and explosives online and made a video describing the attack, which they had intended to carry out on April 20 -- the ninth anniversary of the Columbine shootings.

State Supreme Court Justice Robert W. Doyle ordered McDonough to immediately begin serving 5 years of probation.

As part of the sentence, McDonough agreed to continue weekly counseling administered by his priest.

"I'm sorry about what happened," McDonough said. "It will never happen again."

WTF? "I promise that I will not plan to shoot and kill or mame any students or blow up anything ever, cross my heart." OK, then just make sure you speak with a priest once a week and we'll forget it ever happened. Now who wants some ice cream?

June 10, 2008

$4 Gasoline

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has an estimated 10 billion+ barrels of oil.

"ANWR is larger than the combined areas of five states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware), and drilling along its coastal plain would be confined to a space one-sixth the size of Washington's Dulles airport." (George Will)

Congress won't allow drilling. Our presidential candidates are opposed to drilling.


June 06, 2008

Wedding Bells

What's going on in Hollywood these days, when the only people wanting to get married are gay? It seems everyday I'm hearing about another celebrity getting pregnant or having a baby with their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend"

Not so long ago, having an illegitimate child or a gay wedding would end a career. These days, it's fashionable.

Marriage isn't worth what it used to be.