September 26, 2007

Who's to blame when situations degenerate?

There are so many articles these days about the increase in foreclosures and the problems people are now facing with their increasing mortgage payments. All these articles point to the greedy mortgage bankers and how they lured innocent home buyers into taking out these risky mortgages. I am waiting for the article that rightly places a good amount of the blame on the stupid home buyer that can't figure out how much home he can afford. Hey, if you're making $50K a year, you can't afford a $500K house. The bankers are stupid for making the loan, and the homeowner is stupid for accepting the loan. Why is it that no one is willing to accept any personal responsibility these days?

Thanks to the B52's for the title quote.

September 21, 2007

I Hate Al Sharpton

for constantly fanning the flames of race relations in the US. This "minister" (ordained at age 9) and former tour manager for James Brown seems to thrive on being in the spotlight. Yes, there are lots racial injustices in this country (covering all races). Why not do something constructive rather than turning every issue into white vs. black? How come I never see him when it's black vs. white?

September 19, 2007

I'd Rather Sing

Inspired by equal parts of boredom and incredulity, I have decided to join the masses of the self-obsessed and start my own blog.

I've found myself increasingly wondering what is wrong with the world these days. Not just the obvious problems, but the insidious ones as well. It may be that as we age we're simply less apt to dismiss the things around us. The crochety factor. Or maybe the world really is changing for the worse.

So I'm envisioning this blog as a place were I can scream when I see the stupidity around me, without damaging my vocal chords. And I'm hoping it's also a place where I can sing when I find the good bits of life, without offending anyones ears.